

  • Emsculpt is known for its impressive muscle toning and fat-burning properties—and the non-invasive treatment requires zero downtime afterward. But what exactly is this high-intensity device? Konzultovali sme sa so skupinou odborníkov, aby sme to zistili. We spoke with Dr. Arash Akhavan of the Dermatology and Laser Group, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, the Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist and Founder of PFRANKMD, and Adriana Martino, the owner of SKINNEY MedSpa, to learn about the technology behind Emsculpt, find out who is a good candidate for treatment, and how patients can maximize their results after the procedure.

  • 2022 Profesional Lose Weigh 5 Handle Cryo Cool Body Sculpt Cryolipolyse 360 Cryolipolysis Slimming Machine What is 360 cryolipolysis? 360-degree full range of cooling and heating, freezing at minus 10℃ to positive 45℃ heating, 4 groups cycle modes for operation,parameters can be set flexibly; 8 ks Rôzne veľkosti kryo rukoväte sú vhodné pre rôzne oblasti a tvar tela. Fast Treatment – Due to having dual handpiece and 360 degree cooling our treatment time varies from as little as 4...